Buy . Renovate . Rent

Whether you currently own an investment property which could use a little polish with the goal of getting more rent or have your strategy set on a purchase of a property that requires improvement to maximize your returns, consider us your investment strategists.

as investors who have...

Flipped homes to sell, flipped homes to rent, added ADUs to properties for cash flow, and built investment properties from the ground up, we are well-versed in what it takes from a construction standpoint and a cash flow standpoint to keep you on track.

Making periodic improvements to your investment property

  • Can help you realize more rental income 
  • Can help you realize different income sources (like adding laundry room with coin-operated laundry or a soda machine for larger multi-family properties) 
  • Help keep your investment sound maintenance-wise 
  • Can be a part of your tax strategy plan

There are plenty of agents out there who could help you buy or sell an investment property, but few who are seasoned investors themselves who have a wide-range of experience in a variety of investment strategies and who have a construction background.

Let’s talk strategy!

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